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Three Types Lighting Sources Used in Video and FilmAre you wondering what it takes to create the lighting effects that you see on the big screen? Do you ever wonder about all the work that goes into each shot to create your favorite movies or TV shows? When you finally start to learn about the lighting effects that occur behind-the-scenes, you will be shocked at all the knowledge and expertise that goes into each different shot. The lighting department is equipped with many technicians that have knowledge of how to use each ... |
Some Basic Grip Tools Included in Your Truck RentalsAre you looking for lighting, rigging, and grip rentals for your next film project? Do you want to rent all your grip equipment for your next film? Many film production companies do not keep all their grip equipment on hand, as this equipment will vary depending on the size and extent of their current project. When you need grip equipment for your project, you are best renting the entire grip truck to make it much easier for portability and usage on set. These are some... |
Five Crew Positions in the Electric Department Responsible for RiggingMany people are unsure of what goes on behind the scenes of the film and movie industry. All the effects, lighting, acting, and editing are taken care of by a team of skilled and experienced members that come together to produce the film. This takes coordination and teamwork, especially when it comes to rigging equipment and setting up the shots. When working with heavy duty equipment, scaffolding, and extensive set-ups, it requires skill and great communication. These... |
Five Lighting Techniques Used to Create Emotion in FilmA grip in the film industry focuses on capturing the vision of the Director using techniques that set the emotion in a scene with the lighting alone. Grip lighting techniques can achieve a real lighting effect, focus on actor or prop, creating hopeful or hopeless tones to set the mood, and so much more. Below you will learn about some grip lighting techniques they use in film to create emotion. There are many techniques used by grips to set the emotion and scene of a film. Each techniqu... |
What Every Grip Technician Should Keep in their Tool BeltGrip lighting technicians are experts who work on film sets to help photography and lighting directors with lighting production setups. In general, for a scene to function effectively, they will create a specific mood or style. In addition, they collaborate with many other technicians to follow their instructions, change grip equipment, and construct scaffolding and track to produce the proper angles for the lights. This necessitates timely access to a variety of tools. These are some o... |
Four Jobs Available in the Electric Department for FilmsHave you always loved to perform camera work or set up lighting shots for film creation? Do you want to know what it takes to become a technician that works behind the scenes of films? When you are looking for the right job to help with films, movies, and commercials, you should consider becoming a member of the lighting and electrical department. These are some of the jobs that are available in the lighting and electric department in the film industry. Director o... |
Five Types of Grip Equipment You Can Find in Grip TruckHave you ever wondered where all the equipment comes from when making a movie or commercial? We often see many trucks, vans, trailers, and buses roll into an area, film, and then pick up and leave. But where does it all go? And how do they know what they need? When it comes to the lighting department in the film industry, many production companies will rent grip trucks that are full of lighting equipment for the technicians. These are some of the most common type... |
Four Lighting Techniques Used in to Create Emotion in FilmExcellent cinematography lighting is essential in any film because it creates mood, ambiance and provides the audience a feeling of meaning. In addition, lighting is an excellent method to illustrate the psychology of your film characters and produce or express emotion. True artists seek to trigger an emotional response from their audience. Therefore, it is crucial for grip lighting technicians to understand the feeling evoked by each type of light to do a proper light setup for the sce... |
Seven Tools Every Grip Technician Should Keep On HandAre you wondering what is necessary to take with you on your first day as a grip technician? Do you need to supply the grip equipment for your film production job? Working as a grip technician requires you to be ready to move quickly when any lighting adjustments are needed to create a specific effect. By having access to many highly utilized grip tools and equipment, you can make these jobs occur much more efficiently. These are a few of the tools that every grip tech... |
Five Frequently Asked Questions about the Role of a Grip Technician in FilmAre you wondering what a grip technician does in the movie industry? Do you find yourself wanting to work behind-the-scenes of film? Grips are responsible for creating many of the lighting set-ups that help a director of photography achieve a certain look or aesthetic with each shot. Grips are well-versed and trained to understand many properties of lighting and electric that needs to be used to create different moods and emotions. These are some of the most frequently... |